IV. PIHFF - They're All Dead /Spanyolország/
Todos están muertos / They're All Dead
Rendező | Marisa Benito Crespo |
Premier | 2024. április 25. |
Korhatár | A tartalom nem rendelkezik korhatár besorolással. |
Időtartam | 7 perc |
A IV. Pápai Nemzetközi Történelmi Filmfesztivál keretén belül bemutatott alkotás.
Eredeti nyelvű, angol feliratos film
Bővebb információ: www.pihff.com
The film presented within the IV. Pápa International Historical Film Festival.
Original speaking, English subtitled film
In this post-photographic context of the digital age, we relate to images in a different way;
they have other meanings, and they have been dematerialised. They have become
elements without a body, ephemeral and superabundant. The transition from an analogue
to a digital process has become a paradigm shift.
Family photographs used to be a treasure, passed down from generation to generation,
which we could look at and touch to evoke the memory of a moment, or of a loved one. We
have a memory fragmented between the photographic paper and the screens. It is easy to
find a photo in our albums, but not so easy among hundreds of files and folders. If we do
not look at them, these photos cease to exist.
What will the memories of this digital generation be like? People will no longer have a box in
which to store the photographs of their lives, of their history.
More info: www.pihff.com
Eredeti nyelvű, angol feliratos film
Bővebb információ: www.pihff.com
The film presented within the IV. Pápa International Historical Film Festival.
Original speaking, English subtitled film
In this post-photographic context of the digital age, we relate to images in a different way;
they have other meanings, and they have been dematerialised. They have become
elements without a body, ephemeral and superabundant. The transition from an analogue
to a digital process has become a paradigm shift.
Family photographs used to be a treasure, passed down from generation to generation,
which we could look at and touch to evoke the memory of a moment, or of a loved one. We
have a memory fragmented between the photographic paper and the screens. It is easy to
find a photo in our albums, but not so easy among hundreds of files and folders. If we do
not look at them, these photos cease to exist.
What will the memories of this digital generation be like? People will no longer have a box in
which to store the photographs of their lives, of their history.
More info: www.pihff.com
A film jelenleg nem található meg a műsoron, kérjük látogass vissza később.