IV. PIHFF - The Trap /Franciaország/
The Trap
Rendező | Julien Cocquerel |
Premier | 2024. április 26. |
Korhatár | A tartalom nem rendelkezik korhatár besorolással. |
Időtartam | 4 perc |
A IV. Pápai Nemzetközi Történelmi Filmfesztivál keretén belül bemutatott alkotás.
Eredeti nyelvű, angol feliratos film
Bővebb információ: www.pihff.com
The film presented within the IV. Pápa International Historical Film Festival.
Original speaking, English subtitled film
The Trap is an AI generated movie, based on a true story. Last November, my best friend sent me a letter from his great-grandfather who served during WW1. This letter tells us about the terrible night he experienced between May 9 and May 10, 1915, on the Arras front in northern France. So I had the idea of adding sound and images to these poignant words. Thanks to AI, I was able to make the invisible visible, to bring a memory to life...
This harrowing episode will earn this soldier the French Legion of Honor.
More info: www.pihff.com
Eredeti nyelvű, angol feliratos film
Bővebb információ: www.pihff.com
The film presented within the IV. Pápa International Historical Film Festival.
Original speaking, English subtitled film
The Trap is an AI generated movie, based on a true story. Last November, my best friend sent me a letter from his great-grandfather who served during WW1. This letter tells us about the terrible night he experienced between May 9 and May 10, 1915, on the Arras front in northern France. So I had the idea of adding sound and images to these poignant words. Thanks to AI, I was able to make the invisible visible, to bring a memory to life...
This harrowing episode will earn this soldier the French Legion of Honor.
More info: www.pihff.com
A film jelenleg nem található meg a műsoron, kérjük látogass vissza később.